Gravitational Microlensing !

Subhanallah...Hebat ciptaan Allah

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Katakan ada objek seperti planet,atau bintang atau quasar yang berada terlalu jauh dari bumi (katakan 10 billion tahun cahaya),dan objek tersebut tidak dihalang oleh bintang atau galaksi,maka sudah tentu kita leh nampak objek tu dari bumi dgn menggunakan teleskop(yang canggih la) kan?Persoalannya,camne kalau objek tersebut terhadang?Bererti kita xle nampak la kan? (sebab cahaya bergerak lurus)
Kita silap !
Sebenarnya cahaya(dari objek)akan membengkok kesan daripada daya tarikan penghadang(samada bintang yg besar atau galaksi).Camne tuh..?

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Bending light around a massive object from a distant source. The orange arrows show the apparent position of the background source. The white arrows show the path of the light from the true position of the source.

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Quasar ni objek cam bintang la...ada la sifat2 nyer sperti kluar gelombang radio etc..

Tau xsape yang mengeluarkan teori ni(teori cahaya akan bengkok apabila melalui bintang,galaksi yg besar even matahari!)..Sape lagi kalo bukan pak sedara aku,Einstein!

Si Einstein ni xdpt Nobel Prize Award melalui teori ni..sedangkan aku rasa,ni adalah antara teori dia yg paling macho...Pada masa tu orang xpercaya cakap Einstein pasal benda ni..sebab xde bukti!Yela,susah tuu nak buktikan..

Einstein proposes his general theory of relativity,which says that massive object warp space,bending light with their gravitational pull.
Einstein predicts that it 2 stars are viewed in alignment,the closer star will act as a "gravitational lens" to magnify the distant star's light.
Astronomers observing a distant quasar finally detect gravitational lensing.The quasar's image is distorted by the gravity of an intervening galaxy.
Polish astronomer bohdan paczynski proposes that shorter-lived deflection of light-doubled "microlensing"-could reveal the presence of unseen planets.
An international team of astronomers detect a planet 16,000 light-years away in Sagittarius.It's later confirm as the 1st planet found by microlensing!
Astronomers use gravitational microlensing to detect the smallest planet yet found outside our solar system-5.5times the mass of earth and 21,200 light-years away!