Scientific American Jan 2007!

Contents Features
  • what is a planet?
  • A robot in every home
  • Evolved for Cancer?....
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How can you encourage a child ?

How sweet..hehe

Global warning about warming !

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PARIS: The world’s climate experts urge world governments to heed the most wideranging scientific assessment so far of a human link to global warming and agree on prompt action to slow the trend. A draft of the United Nations’ climate report projects a big rise in temperatures this century and warns of more heatwaves, floods,
droughts and rising sea levels linked to greenhouse gases released by burning of fossil fuels. “I hope policies and action will be formed to address the problem,” said Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).“I think based on the awareness that is growing very rapidly in every part of the globe, you will see a certain political resolve developing,” he said. The report, the fourth of its kind, is undergoing a final review by governments and scientists before its release on Friday.

It draws on research by 2,500 scientists from more than 130 countries and has taken six years to compile. Among its shocking conclusions: » There is at least a 90% probability that human activities are to blame for most of the warming in the past 50 years. The previous report, in 2001, rated the probability at just 66%. » Rising temperatures will leave millions more people hungry by 2080 and cause critical water shortages in China and Australia, as well as parts of Europe and
the United States. » By the end of the century, climate change will bring water scarcity to between 1.1 and 3.2 billion people as temperatures rise by 2º-3ºC. » An additional 200 million to 600 million people across the world would face food shortages in another 70 years, while coastal flooding would hit another 7 million
homes. “The message is that every region of the earth will have exposure,”said Dr Graeme Pearman, who helped draft the report.“If you look at China,like Australia they will lose significant rainfall in their agricultural areas,”said Pearman, the former
climate director of Australia’s top science body, the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation.Africa and poor countries such as Bangladesh would be most affected because they were least able to cope with greater coastal damage and drought, said Pearman.The IPCC was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation and the UN Environment Programme to guide policy makers on the impact of climate change.

Stupid or what?

Ni la akibatnya kalau blajar agama tak habis..enjoy it!=)

Gravitational Microlensing !

Subhanallah...Hebat ciptaan Allah

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Katakan ada objek seperti planet,atau bintang atau quasar yang berada terlalu jauh dari bumi (katakan 10 billion tahun cahaya),dan objek tersebut tidak dihalang oleh bintang atau galaksi,maka sudah tentu kita leh nampak objek tu dari bumi dgn menggunakan teleskop(yang canggih la) kan?Persoalannya,camne kalau objek tersebut terhadang?Bererti kita xle nampak la kan? (sebab cahaya bergerak lurus)
Kita silap !
Sebenarnya cahaya(dari objek)akan membengkok kesan daripada daya tarikan penghadang(samada bintang yg besar atau galaksi).Camne tuh..?

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Bending light around a massive object from a distant source. The orange arrows show the apparent position of the background source. The white arrows show the path of the light from the true position of the source.

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Quasar ni objek cam bintang la...ada la sifat2 nyer sperti kluar gelombang radio etc..

Tau xsape yang mengeluarkan teori ni(teori cahaya akan bengkok apabila melalui bintang,galaksi yg besar even matahari!)..Sape lagi kalo bukan pak sedara aku,Einstein!

Si Einstein ni xdpt Nobel Prize Award melalui teori ni..sedangkan aku rasa,ni adalah antara teori dia yg paling macho...Pada masa tu orang xpercaya cakap Einstein pasal benda ni..sebab xde bukti!Yela,susah tuu nak buktikan..

Einstein proposes his general theory of relativity,which says that massive object warp space,bending light with their gravitational pull.
Einstein predicts that it 2 stars are viewed in alignment,the closer star will act as a "gravitational lens" to magnify the distant star's light.
Astronomers observing a distant quasar finally detect gravitational lensing.The quasar's image is distorted by the gravity of an intervening galaxy.
Polish astronomer bohdan paczynski proposes that shorter-lived deflection of light-doubled "microlensing"-could reveal the presence of unseen planets.
An international team of astronomers detect a planet 16,000 light-years away in Sagittarius.It's later confirm as the 1st planet found by microlensing!
Astronomers use gravitational microlensing to detect the smallest planet yet found outside our solar system-5.5times the mass of earth and 21,200 light-years away!

Berjaya gak curik game nihh...

Stealth Hunter!!!
Curik daripada:

Let me guess ur birthday !

Step 1) Have them take the month number from their birthday: January = 1, Feb = 2 etc.
Step 2) Multiply that by 5
Step 3) Then add 6
Step 4) Then multiply that total by four
Step 5) Then add 9
Step 6) Then multiply this total by 5 once again
Step 7) Finally, have them add to that total the day they were born on. If they were born on the 18th, they add 18, etc.

Have them give you the total. In your head, subtract 165, and you will have the month and day they were born on!

How It Works: Let M be the month number and D will be the day number. After the seven steps the expression for their calculation is:

5 (4 (5 M + 6 ) + 9 ) + D = 100 M + D + 165

Thus, if you subtract off the 165, what will remain will be the month in hundreds plus the day!

Versi bm:

k..Skrg ni katakan aku nak try teka tarikh lahir korang...then aku suruh kurang buat kiraan dibawah;

langkah1:ambil no. bulan yg korang lahir (cth:lahir bulan 5)
langkah2:darab no. tadi dengan 5 (5*5=25)
langkah3:kemudian tambah 6 (25+6=31)
langkah4:kemudian jumlah tadi darab 4 (31*4=124)
langkah5:jumlah tu plak tambah 9 (124+9=133)
langkah6:darab jumlah tadi ngan 5 (133*5=665)
langkah7:kmudian tambah jumlah akhir tadi dengan haribulan korang lahir.katakan lahir pada 12 haribulan 5,perlu tambah 12 (665+12=677)

lepas korang kira diatas,barulah aku tanya nilai angka akhir yang korang dapat.lepas tu macam contoh yg aku buat korang akan jawab 677...dengan muke machonyerr,dalam kpala otak aku,aku trus congak nilai akhir tu tolak 165 iaitu 677-165=512....dan dengan machonyerr skali lagi aku pun bersuara,korang lahir 12 hb 5 kan ?512 tu 5 tu ialah bulan dan 12 ialah hari....selepas korang tolak 165,angka yg datang dulu ialah angka menunjukkan bulan kelahiran dan angka kemudian menunjukkan bilangan hari...katakan korang dapat angka 1231 selepas tolak 165,bermakna dia lahir 31 hb 12....dats all...gud luck!

Peratusan masih "dara" di US meningkat?

Teen Sex in America

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Teen sex was rarely talked about in the 19th century, but that changed in the 20th with the coming of new sexual mores and the growth of public high schools,which brought girls and boys together in an institutional setting that fostered greater contact and intimacy than ever before. In 1900 probably less than 10 percent of Americans ages 15 to 18 were in public high schools, but by 1940 the proportion had grown to about two thirds....As the chart shows, the popularity of virginity has grown somewhat among all groups except for 18- to 19-year-old females.Vital statistics tabulations show strong and consistent declines in birth rates for both groups since 1991 and continuing into 2004, the latest year for which information is available.
The timing of this decline is consistent with the notion that fear of HIV was spreading throughout high schools beginning in the early 1990s.
Sumber:Scientific American Jan 2007

Cuba perhatikan betul2 graf(graf ke carta?..ape ntah istilahnya) tersebut,bagi usia antara 18-19,peratus yg masih mengaku virgin atau dara dan teruna(?) tak sampai 40%.Maknanya,kalau 100 orang,60 orang daripadanya sah sudah xde dara atau teruna atau lebih tepat lagi,sex luar nikah.Inilah wajah negara maju seperti US.Scientific American juga mendedahkan kemungkinan kenaikan kesedaran tentang kepentingan dara adalah disebabkan ketakutan untuk dijangkiti wabak HIV...Bukan sebab kesedaran dosa,moral value dan sebagainya..Fikirkan masa depan negara maju malaysia pula..hmm..

An Open Letter To Mr Bill Gates

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This letter is from Ahmad from Kuala Terengganu.
We have bought a computer for our home and we
found problems, which I want
to bring to your notice.

After connecting to internet we planned to open e-
mail account and
whenever we fill the form in Hotmail in the
password column, only *****
appears, but in the rest of the fields whatever we
typed appears, but we
face this problem only in password field. We
checked with hardware vendor
Sam thing Long and he said that there is no
problem in keyboard. Because of
this we open the e-mail account with password
*****. I request you to check
this as we ourselves do not know what the
password is.

There is a button 'start' but there is no stop button.
Why you have START
button after computer is started anyway? You
should put a STOP button. We
request you to check this.

We find there is 'Run' in the menu. After clicking
run it shows box asking
where to run. We entered Besut, because we have
relatives there who can
catch computer until we come. But the computer
replied "Not found"! I
think you must update it with map of Malaysia.
Otherwise this RUN command
is no use.

One doubt is that any 're-scooter' available in
system? As I find only
're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home, so I
cannot use the re-cycle

Also there is 'Find' button but it is not working
properly. My mother lost
the door key and we tried a lot for tracing the key
with this 'find', but
unable to trace. Is it a bug??

Also I think the computer is very lazy. If nobody
plays with it for five
minutes, screen goes blank and shows small
windows logo floating on black
screen. Some thing Long(the vendor) said don't
touch anything, and to
restart and see. It worked, but every time screen
goes blank I have to
switch the power on and off, which is taking long
time to start. Computer
also forgets what it was doing before it went blank.
I think this is a
serious backward step for your product. Please
make computers more smarter
and active in future.


Cik Mat
Kuala Terengganu

Any comment?

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LARGEST SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNET: This November European researchers declared the world's largest superconducting magnet, called the Barrel Toroid, "ready for physics" when the Large Hadron Collider, the world's next top particle smasher, turns on next year in Geneva. The magnet will power the ATLAS particle detector, which physicists hope will detect the long-sought Higgs boson. Sometimes called the God particle, the elusive Higgs is thought to give mass to all other particles.

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benda ni la untuk kegunaan lab kat bawah ni...amacam?


The world’s most powerful physics laboratory will take on questions we can’t yet imagine!!

LATER THIS YEAR, the $8-billion science experiment known as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will start uncovering clues to some of the biggest m ysteries in physics. It was designed more than a decade ago to answer a specifi c checklist of questions:
  • Why does matter have mass?
  • Does every particle have an unseen partner?

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Komen:Giler arr puak2 bagus gak.Semakin lama derang kaji,aku doakan semakin hampir mereka dengan hakikat kebesaran Allah swt.Tapi agak menarik juga bila mengetahui antara rahsia fizik yang masih belum terjawab ialah adakah setiap partikel tu ada partner? mungkin nak menjelaskan teori kegravitian semesta iaitu sesuatu jasad mempunyai kaitan graviti dengan jasad disekitarnya.Bumi contohnya,ada kaitan graviti dengan matahari dan bulan.Inilah yang mewujudkan keseimbangan setiap jasad di angkasa.Masih belum diketahui ialah,apakah partner yg dimaksudkan? Hantu ke?Atau satu benda yang "unseen"?

In the intervening decade, however, physicists have been developing new ideas about how the universe might be put together. If all goes well, the machine—a 16.8-mile-long proton smasher buried outside Geneva, Switzerland—could discover
startling phenomena that could validate (or refute) those nascent theories about the origin and structure of the cosmos. Jonathan Feng, a theoretical physicist at the University of California at Irvine, has suggested that collisions at the LHC might
produce dark matter —the mysterious, invisible stuff that astronomers believe makes up 80 percent of the matter in the universe. This is not something the original planners had in mind. “The idea that the LHC would help with the big cosmological questions was completely off the map when it was proposed,” Feng says. The same holds true for the search for extra spatial dimensions, which for years were thought to be out of the reach of modern experimental technology. Recently, though, theorists have discussed the possibility of fi nding indirect proof at the LHC. “You’re not going to see the extra dimensions,” says physicist Konstantin Matchev of the University of Florida. Instead, he explains, particles such as electrons will suddenly become more massive as they travel through that added space. Matchev and his
colleagues will be scouring the data for those telltale weight gains. But even if the LHC fails to reveal either of these events, it should still be a tremendous success. The discovery of the Higgs boson, the “God particle” that may give matter its mass, is a
near guarantee, according to most physicists. More important, the LHC is going to generate conditions and energy levels that haven’t existed since the big bang. That means it could produce phenomena physicists never even thought to imagine.
“The great thing about science,” Feng says, “is that you never know what Nature has up her sleeve.”—gregory mone

Sumber:Popular science,January 2007

Death Note - Manga !

Death Note follows the story of a boy who discovers a means to easily kill people and his desire to use this power to rid the world of evil, creating a "better world" of his choosing. This boy, called "Kira" by the rest of the world, meets his match in an equally brilliant and mysterious figure, called "L," who makes it his mission to discover the identity of Kira and punish him for his crimes. The story weaves itself around the manipulations of both of these characters as each tries to finish ahead of the other in a struggle between the preservation of humanity as it is and the creation of a new humanity controlled by Kira.

Mangaka(writer): Obata Takeshi and Ooba Tsugumi

Download it here. Its 100% in english and you need to register 1st before you can download it...

p/s:Allah is the Almighty...remember that my fren...

Death Note || - The Last Name

Pernah dengar tentang movie ni?Karya asalnya ialah dari sebuah manga(komik) dari jepun.Kemudian di serap ke dalam dunia animasi(anime) dan kemudiannya filem.Poster diatas ialah sambungan dari movie yang pertama.

Mengisahkan sebuah nota dari dunia "tuhan kematian" dan di jumpai oleh seorang genius bernama Yagami Light.Mengisahkan cerita yang mempunyai hakikat ini;
if a human's name is written within it, that person shall die
Aku dah baca komik dan skrg aku sedang ikuti perkembangan cerita animasinya...Kalau dalam komik,endingnya agak pelik dan secara jujur aku tak puas hati dengan cara ending camtu.Tapi dalam movie,endingnya cukup mantap dan boleh dikatakan perfect...Kpda sesape yang nak dapatkan manga death note,plss inform aku...lepas ni aku akan update lg...

click here to view this movie's preview!

the 1st movie..

An Interesting Conversation

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class
on the problem science has with God, The Almighty. He
asks one of his new students to stand and .....

Prof: So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely, sir.

Prof: Is God good?
Student: Sure.

Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Student: Yes.

Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed
to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help
others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God
good then? Hmm?
(Student is silent.)

Prof: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again,
young fellow. Is God good?
Student: Yes.

Prof: Is Satan good?
Student: No.

Prof: Where does Satan come from?
Student: From...God...

Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this
Student: Yes.

Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make
everything. Correct?
Student: Yes.

Prof: So who created evil?
Student does not answer.
Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness?
All these terrible things exist in the world, don't
Student: Yes, sir.

Prof: So, who created them?
Student has no answer.

Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to
identify and observe the world around you. Tell me,
son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.

Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: No, sir.

Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God,
smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory
perception of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.

Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student: Yes.

Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable
protocol, science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do
you say to that, son?

Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.

Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.

Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.

Student: And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.

Student: No sir. There isn't.
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn
of events.)

Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more
heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat
or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We
can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but
we can't go any further after that. There is no such
thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe
the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is
energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just
the absence of it.

(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)

Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such
a thing as darkness?
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?

Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the
absence of something. You can have low light, normal
light, bright light, flashing light....But if you have
no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called
darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it
were you would be able to make darkness darker,
wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?

Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise
is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?

Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of
duality. You argue there is life and then there is
death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the
concept of God as something finite, something we can
measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It
uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen,
much less fully understood either one.
To view death as the opposite of life is to be
ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a
substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life:
just the absence of it.

Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students
that they evolved from a monkey?
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary
process, yes, of course, I do.

Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your
own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning
to realize where the argument is going.)

Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of
evolution at work and cannot even prove that this
process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching
your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a
preacher? (The
class is in uproar.)

Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever
seen the Professor's brain? (The class breaks out into

Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the
Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No
one appears to have done so. So, according to the
established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable
protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your
lectures, sir? (The room is silent. The professor
stares at the student, his face unfathomable.)
Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.

Student: That is it sir... The link between man & god
is FAITH. That is all that keeps things moving &

Menanti Di Barzakh

Download this song here!

Ku Merintih, Aku Menangis,
Ku Meratap, Aku Mengharap,
Ku Meminta Dihidupkan Semula,
Agar Dapat Kembali Ke Dunia Nyata,

Perjalanan Rohku,
Melengkapi Sebuah Kembara,
Singgah Di Rahim Bonda,
Sebelum Menjejak Ke Dunia,
Menanti Di Barzakh,
Sebelum Berangkat Ke Mahsyar,
Diperhitung Amalan,
Penentu Syurga Atau Sebaliknya,

Tanah Yang Basah Berwarna Merah,
Semerah Mawar Dan Juga Rindu,
7 Langkah Pun Baru Berlalu,
Seusai Talkin Bernada Syahdu,
Tenang Dan Damai Di Pusaraku,
Nisan Batu Menjadi Tugu,
Namun Tak Siapa Pun Tahu Resah Penantianku,

Terbangkitnya Aku Dari Sebuah Kematian,
Seakan Ku Dengari,
Tangis Mereka Yang Ku Tinggalkan,
Kehidupan Disini Bukan Suatu Khayalan x2
Tetapi Ia Sebenar Kejadian x2

Kembali Oh Kembli,
Kembalilah Kedalam Diri,
Sendirian Sendiri,
Sendiri Bertemankan Sepi,
Hanya Kain Putih Yang Membaluti Tubuhku,
Terbujur Dan Kaku,
Jasad Didalam Keranda Kayu,

Ajal Yang Datang Dimuka Pintu ,
Tiada Siapa Yang Memberi Tahu,
Tiada Siapa Pun Dapat Hindari,
Tiada Siapa Yang Terkecuali,
Lemah Jemari Nafas Terhenti,
Tidak Tergambar Sakitnya Mati,
Cukup sekali Jasadku Untuk Mengulangi,

Jantung Berdenyut Kencang,
Menantikan Malaikat Datang,
Mengigil Ketakutan Gelap Pekat Dipandangan,
Selama Ini Diceritakan x2
Kini Aku Merasakan x2
Dialam Barzakh Jasad Dikebumikan x2

Ku Merintih, Aku Menangis,
Ku Meratap, Aku Mengharap,
Ku Meminta Dihidupkan Semula,
Agar Dapat Kembali Ke Dunia Nyata.