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Teen Sex in America

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Teen sex was rarely talked about in the 19th century, but that changed in the 20th with the coming of new sexual mores and the growth of public high schools,which brought girls and boys together in an institutional setting that fostered greater contact and intimacy than ever before. In 1900 probably less than 10 percent of Americans ages 15 to 18 were in public high schools, but by 1940 the proportion had grown to about two thirds....As the chart shows, the popularity of virginity has grown somewhat among all groups except for 18- to 19-year-old females.Vital statistics tabulations show strong and consistent declines in birth rates for both groups since 1991 and continuing into 2004, the latest year for which information is available.
The timing of this decline is consistent with the notion that fear of HIV was spreading throughout high schools beginning in the early 1990s.
Sumber:Scientific American Jan 2007

Cuba perhatikan betul2 graf(graf ke carta?..ape ntah istilahnya) tersebut,bagi usia antara 18-19,peratus yg masih mengaku virgin atau dara dan teruna(?) tak sampai 40%.Maknanya,kalau 100 orang,60 orang daripadanya sah sudah xde dara atau teruna atau lebih tepat lagi,sex luar nikah.Inilah wajah negara maju seperti US.Scientific American juga mendedahkan kemungkinan kenaikan kesedaran tentang kepentingan dara adalah disebabkan ketakutan untuk dijangkiti wabak HIV...Bukan sebab kesedaran dosa,moral value dan sebagainya..Fikirkan masa depan negara maju malaysia pula..hmm..